Fingerprint identification might be the Siri for next-gen iPhone

Apple’s next generation iPhone is expected to be an upgrade like the 4S and 3GS so presumably the next phone would be a 5S. Rather than being a complete renovation like the iPhone 5, the upcoming iPhone 5S will likely feature minor changes in the OS and some new hardware components. Apple will be introducing some new features that will convince Apple fans to upgrade their iPhone5 handset. Siri had prompted iPhone 4 owners to buy the iPhone 4S. New reports suggests that the next iPhone’s “Siri” will be a new fingerprint scanner that apple will integrate directly into the hardware.iphone App


Topeka Capital Market analyst Brian White stated “We believe fingerprint identification technology will be part of the iPhone 5S and this is likely to be the major new feature used to market the iPhone 5S, similar to what Siri was to the iPhone 4S”. He also pointed that Apple’s iPhone 5S will feature an improved camera and the buttons on the left will be arranged differently, and regarding the much rumored cheaper iPhone Apple plans to launch this year, White believes it will be debuted alongside iPhone 5S. An earlier report from KGI securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has revealed that Apple’s next iPhone will include fingerprint scanning technology.


He quoted “Our general takeaway around Apple is that a lower-priced iPhone and the iPhone 5S will be announced together in June and launched in July. Despite recent reports to the contrary, our research indicates that a lower-priced iPhone is in the works,” and “Essentially, this confirms our previous thinking. Strangely enough, the lower-priced iPhone is still being called the ‘iPhone mini’; however, the general consensus was that this new device would actually have the same screen size as the iPhone 5”


He also added “The ‘iPhone mini’ will have a curved back casing made of colored plastic and will be thicker than the iPhone 5. We also learned the pricing could be a bit higher than our recently raised expectation, reaching as high as $400. As such, we are now projecting a $350 to $400 price point for the ‘iPhone mini.’ We believe this price point will provide relief for those investors concerned that Apple would be sacrificing too much margin or brand to serve the lower price band of the Smartphone market.”


iphone application developer arewaiting for the update. They are also eager about the OS update which will give them new opportunity to build more exciting and colorful apps for a vibrant display.

Posted April 18, 2013 09:38


Calendar August 7, 2013 03:04

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Posted May 2, 2013 03:51

Calendar April 18, 2013 09:38

Apple’s next generation iPhone is expected to be an upgrade like the 4S and 3GS so presumably the next phone would be a 5S. Rather than being a complete renovation like the iPhone 5, the upcoming iPhone 5S will likely feature minor changes in the OS and some new hardware components. Apple will be introducing some new features that will convince Apple fans to upgrade their iPhone5 handset. Siri had prompted iPhone 4 owners to buy the iPhone 4S. New reports suggests that the next iPhone’s “Siri” will be a new fingerprint scanner that apple will integrate directly into the hardware.iphone App

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Posted April 18, 2013 09:38

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Posted April 10, 2013 06:31